Tuesday, September 23, 2008

6 months! and computer problems

My computer crashed and I have just recently been able to get on the internet, which explains why I haven't posted anything in a while. If anyone knows how to set up a wireless router, please help!!!!!
Last Wednesday was our 6 month anniversary with Maggie! It seems like she has been with us forever, and we can't imagine life without her. The time we have had with her has been amazing and our lives are fuller than they have ever been. We are truly blessed to have our beautiful daughter and it is amazing watching her grow before our eyes. She has learned so much in her first 6 months that I can't wait to look back on this day 6 months from now. She is excelling in speech therapy, can now count to 13, and is always smiling. How could we not be happy constantly?
We celebrated this special day with dinner at P.F. Changs. We were joined by Barbara's mom and aunt and had a wonderful time.
Last week Barbara and Maggie made cupcakes for the first time. Maggie did most of the work herself, and they were delicious. Maggie especially liked licking the icing.
On Friday we found a halloween outfit for Maggie = she is going do be a witch and her outfit is adorable. I can't wait to see how she reacts to Halloween, knowing that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.
This past weekend we watched the Tennessee - Florida game. For those who don't know, I'm a big Tennessee fan, and Barbara is a Florida fan. We dressed Maggie in her Tennessee dress for the game. About an hour before kickoff, Maggie decided she didn't want to wear the dress anymore so Barbara put on her Gator shirt. I guess Maggie had a premonition as the vols got beat once again.
On Sunday we drove to Knoxville and had lunch with my mom. We had a great time and Maggie did amazingly well. She was excited to see her grandma.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bath time

We haven't really done much over the last week so until today, had no pictures to share. After dinner, I took some pictures of Maggie during her bath, as well as her after bath ritual.... jumping on the bed! She has so much fun jumping that she wants to do it all of the time. I'm certain we'll be getting a trampoline at some point.

Barbara and Maggie came to see me at work yesterday and we went out to lunch. We said we wouldn't do that again since Maggie cries everytime she leaves and I have to stay. Yesterday was no exception, but she stopped pretty quickly after Barbara explained that I would be coming home soon. It still breaks my heart seeing her cry like that.

Last night Barbara went to a consignment sale with her friend Helene and Maggie and I stayed home. It was the longest Barbara has been gone and Maggie did great. We did alot of playing and she was asleep by 8:15.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day weekend

We had a busy and fun Labor Day weekend. On Saturday we went to dinner with Barbara's mom, aunt, and friend JoAnne (who was visiting from Ashville).

On Sunday we went to church and then to Barbara's mom's for swimming and a cookout. Emily was there so Maggie had fun playing and swimming. They both jumped in the pool off of the side, and jumped again, and again, and again, and again.....
On Monday we met Mia and her parents for lunch and then we all went to Playworld Down Under (a big indoor playground), and then to play at Mia's house. We all had a great day and Maggie and Mia, as always, played great together.