It's been quite busy around here so haven't posted much lately. First of all, I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Ours was great. Last year Maggie didn't really grasp everything about Christmas - this year she did. When asked what Christmas is all about, she will tell you that it is Jesus' birthday. She asked Santa for a spiderman bicycle, a Dora backpack, and a Strawberry Shortcake computer. Of course Santa brought her everything she wanted, and then some. She has been soooooooooo good this year so she deserves everything she received. I wish it were a little warmer so she can ride her bike more, but it will be warmer before we know it.
As I've mentioned, we've been pretty busy. Maggie had a Christmas program at her preschool, had Christmas parties both at school and at gymnastics, and participated in the Christmas program Barbara's Sunday school put on. She also made Christmas cookies - on two seperate occasions. Additionally, Barbara and Maggie went to see the Nutcracker as part of a field trip with her preschool. We took Maggie to the Creative Discovery Museum a few weeks ago to make her own Gingerbread house with Savina Rose and her parents. We had Mia and her parents over for dinner last weekend. We had my mom, Barbara's mom, Barbara's aunt and Barbara's cousin and family over for Christmas eve. My mom and Barbara's mom and aunt spent the night and were here when Maggie woke up and opened her presents. It was very sweet.
This week I only work on Monday and we are excited that my dad and stepmom will be here to celebrate the New Year. We all love having friends and family around.
Thanks to everyone for the great Christmas cards, wishes, phone calls, etc. We are so lucky to have such great friends and family in our lives and we count our blessings every day.
I've learned that it is so much easier to add pictures on facebook. Because of this, I'm usually posting things faster on there.