Thursday, May 8, 2008

Maggie's surgery

Maggie's surgery went off as scheduled yesterday morning. Her ear tubes took about 15 minutes and her palate surgery was over just past 10 AM. She was pretty groggy all day and slept for the most part. She was up last night crying on and off until about 3 AM when they finally gave her some tylenol w/codeine. She slept until 7 AM and has been doing pretty well today. The doctor said she can go home tomorrow if they are satisfied that she will/can eat drink on her own. She did drink juice today and ate some soup broth, so I think that won't be a problem. She has to sleep in her car seat for the next 2 1/2 weeks and will also be on a liquid diet for that period of time. That is going to be the hard part. She also is to wear what they call "no-nos". No-nos are kind of like braces that are put on her arms (they are velcroed so we can take them on and off) that will keep her from bending her elbows, which in turn will keep her hands away from her mouth. Maggie DOES NOT like the no-nos. When we hold her, we can take them off, otherwise she will have them on. I have a feeling that we may have little sleep the next couple of weeks. The doctor who did her ear tubes said that her ears were in pretty bad shape, but he got them all cleaned out and she should do fine. We have to put drops in them twice a day for about a week. We will have follow up appointments with both doctors in a few weeks, at which time we will discuss speech therapy. Thanks for all the calls, emails, and prayers - they all worked. I am unable to respond to emails from the hospital for some reason, but will do so when we get home. Although having Maggie go through this is difficult, the procedures are needed and she won't remember them.


Tim, Jen and Mia said...

So glad to hear the surgery went well. We will continue to pray for all 3 of you over these next few weeks. We are happy to help in any way we can, please just let us know what we can do. Tell Maggie that Mia says hi and can't wait 'til they can play again!

Jill said...

Our prayers were answered for the surgery to go well. Let us know if you need anything. We will be there.

Love you all,

Cliff,Jill, and Erika

Chris and Julie said...

So glad everything went well. We have been praying for all 3 of you. I hope these next 2 weeks go by quickly!

Julie & Chris

Ladybugsmom said...

Thinking of you all and hoping Maggie continues to do well and that time passes quickly. Hugs...Emily and Mel

Elizabeth, David, Katie, &Chloe said...

I am so glad she is doing okay. We have been thinking about her. She is so sweet. I know that is going to be really hard to have to contain her like that but it will all work out for the best.