Monday, July 28, 2008

Almost 3

A couple of weeks ago we taught Maggie how to tell people how old she is if asked. She will say 2 and hold up 2 fingers. Last night we practiced having her say 3 and hold up 3 fingers . Most of the pictures she had her eyes closed, but we did get a few good ones. We may have gotten a little carried away with the picture taking, but it was fun for all of us.

Maggie's birthday is August 1st (this Friday). We are going to prepare her favorite meal, spaghetti, and celebrate as a family on Friday night. On Saturday we have a Barney party planned. It's a swing and swim party, so hopefully I'll have her swing set put together by then. Barbara has done a wonderful job preparing and we can't wait to celebrate this special day.


Mia's birthday

On Saturday we went to Maggie's friend Mia's 3rd birthday party. It was an olympic themed party and was alot of fun. Maggie seemed to enjoy herself and actually played without us being right next to her. I don't think she really understands the meaning of a birthday but celebrated like she did. On Sunday, Maggie asked to call Mia on the telephone and we let her talk to her. It was adorable.


On Friday, Barbara, Maggie and Kacey met Barbara's friend Deb and her husband Bill and son Jack for lunch and then the girls went to the aquarium. It was the first time Kacey has been to the aquarium and she took lots of pictures and seemed to enjoy it. I had to work, and again missed all the fun.

speech therapy

Maggie had her speech evaluation done last Wednesday. She was very cooperative and the speech therapist was amazed at how much she has learned in only 4 months. As we already knew, she is in need of therapy and will be going twice per week. Maggie is so attentive and cooperative that her therapy should go well. Also on Wednesday, I applied for a social security card for Maggie. Once that is done, I will finish completing her re-adoption paperwork.

Pediatrician appointment

Maggie had her scheduled appointment with Dr. Meredith on Tuesday and went through another round of shots. She cried a little bit but did very well. Dr. Meredith said that she seems do be doing great. Maggie has grown 2 inches and gained about 2 pounds since April. She is actually growing into alot of the 2T clothes we have for her.


Last Monday my niece arrived to stay with us, and we are trying to keep her busy. Barbara took she and Maggie to make their own pottery. Maggie made a plate with her handprints and she and Barbara painted her name. They had a great time and will pick up the finished product tomorrow. Kacey also enjoyed herself and made a frog for her bedroom.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My Brother

On Thursday of last week I received a telephone call from my brother in Florida. His wife's grandfather passed away and they would be going to Knoxville for the funeral. They stopped in Chattanooga on the way and spent the night with us on Friday evening. They bought Maggie a cinderella outfit and she loves it. She tried it on and then had me try it on (who do you think looks cuter?). Mike also helped me pick up a swingset for Maggie's birthday and helped me start putting it together. Maggie also tried her first M & M while they were here and LOVED it.
Barbara's birthday is tomorrow and Maggie's is August 1st. We are planning a Barney birthday party for her on Saturday, August 2nd. It's gonna be a fun time around here as we can't wait to celebrate her first birthday with us.

Also, my niece Kacey will be staying with us until August 8th so she can enjoy these days with us. She turns 16 on August 10th.


Last week Barbara and Maggie went to the creative discovery museum for a play date with other families from our FCC group. Afterwards they came by and saw me at work, and I had to leave early to spend the rest of the day with them. Maggie made some "Clifford the Big Red Dog" ears and looks adorable wearing them. She also brought me some "pictures" for my office. She's so cute.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Jenna and Jordan

On Saturday afternoon my friend Steve and his wife and children, Jenna and Jordan, drove from Knoxville to visit for a couple of hours. They have yet to see Maggie and brought her a Cinderella Barbie, a piggie bank (Maggie's first), and some books. Maggie really enjoyed playing with the girls and it was nice seeing everyone. It was very nice of them to come so far to see us, and hopefully we'll see them again soon.

Coolidge Park

On Saturday morning we had an Independence day celebration picnic with the local Families with Children from China group. Maggie rode on the carousel and LOVED it and also enjoyed playing in the fountains. We had a great time it was so nice seeing everyone together.

Chloe and Katie

As some may remember, when we traveled to China in March, we were with two other families in Nanning, and three more in Guangzhou, all with living hope (our adoption agency). We got pretty close to most families and shared such a wonderful event with them. One of the families who we were with in both Nanning and Guangzhou, the King's, live in West Georgia and emailed us recently advising that they were going to Dollywood and wanted to stop by to see us. On Friday they came by with their daughters Katie and Chloe on their way home. Katie is their biological daughter, and if you recall earlier in the blog, we celebrated her sixth birthday at McDonald's in Nanning. Chloe is five years old and was adopted at the same time as Maggie. It was great seeing them and we had a wonderful evening. Maggie played with the girls and we got caught up with how everyone is doing. We hope to see them again soon, possibly meeting at the zoo in Atlanta this fall. Katie and Chloe gave Maggie a cute doll and some stickers.


Maggie had her first haircut since joining our family on Thursday. It was just to even things out and she looks great. Barbara said that the hair stylist told her that she was one of the most cooperative kids he has dealt with.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Barbara's brother Chip and 3 nieces left this morning after a week stay with us. Maggie LOVED them and had such a great week. We all stayed busy and had fun. Barbara's father also visited us from last Friday to last Sunday before returning to Nashville. We had a full house, but everything went great. On Sunday, myself, Barbara's brother, father, and her two oldest nieces went on an all day rafting trip down the Ocoee river. It was a blast!! I can't wait until Maggie is 12 and can go with us.
On Monday I worked and then met the rest of the crew at Coolidge Park. Barbara's cousin Beth, her son Brandon, and Brandon's girlfriend Jayme, along with Erin, had a picnic and a heated kickball match. It was alot of fun and Maggie really enjoyed herself. She can actually kick the ball pretty well for a two year old.

On Tuesday Chip and I played golf while the girls went shopping. After dinner, the nieces and Chip and I went to Sir Gooney's and raced go carts and played miniature golf. It was alot of fun.
We went to the pool on Wednesday and on Thursday we went to the fireworks show downtown. Maggie stayed awake and loved the show. She even held her hands out like she was going to catch them. It was adorable.

On Friday we had a cookout at our house followed by a fireworks display put on by Chip. It was a great show, but Maggie slept right through it.
We took Maggie to her first movie on Saturday - Wall - E. She made it about an hour before giving the hand wave and shake of the head, letting us know she was done. We have learned that she can only sit still for an hour - whether it be at church, in the car, or at a movie. We will probably wait awhile before trying it again.
Maggie got to play in her pool alot this week and it was nice having time off with her. It's going to be hard for both of us when I go back to work tomorrow. I can really get used to staying home all of the time.