Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Maggie got a scooter on her birthday and was so excited. She has ridden it inside many times but has been told that she needs to wear her helmet outside. The first time she tried to ride it outside, the helmet pinched her chin and she has refused to wear it since...until recently. Last week she decided to try it again, and the helmet was fine, so she has been able to ride the scooter around the neighborhood. I took some pictures and short video today. Hope you enjoy!


Elizabeth, David, Katie, &Chloe said...

She is a pro! She can ride so good.

Tricia said...

I have tried to leave comments for the past few posts, but they haven't posted. I am not sure what I was doing wrong. I am so glad to see that Maggie is enjoying school so much!!! Sophia got a scooter for her birthday too!! I can't wait to see pictures of Maggie in her Halloween costume!!!