Sunday, January 31, 2010


We got several inches of snow on Friday, the first measurable amount I've seen since moving to Chattanooga almost 10 years ago. We made Maggie's first snowman and she enjoyed playing outside. The bad part about the snow was that the Chinese New Year party scheduled for Saturday was rescheduled for 2/13/10.

Earlier this month, one of Barbara's co-worker's gave Maggie a battery powered Barbie Jeep. We did have one nice day and she was able to ride it outside. Barbara is picking Rachel up from school again this Spring so she played with her.

We can't wait until Spring gets here to played outside more often! We are already trying to plan Maggie's birthday party, which isn't until August! Time sure does fly...

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I couldn't watch the video of Maggie jumping rope. It said it was unavailable. It looks like Maggie sure did enjoy the snow. I am ready for the snow to be gone. We are expecting more snow this weekend.