Wednesday, August 20, 2008


As I may have mentioned earlier, Maggie LOVES watching Barney. Lately she has been watching one of Barney's DVDs titled "Happy, Mad, Silly, Sad". This morning when Maggie woke up, she didn't come into our room and get into bed with Barbara as she normally does, but she called Barbara into her room, and proceeded to smile and inform Barbara that she was Happy! Barbara said it was the sweetest thing. Tonight she made happy, mad, silly and sad faces at my request. She has learned so much in only 5 months that we are amazed. It seems there is a memory built every single day.
Anyway, here are pictures from last week that I wasn't able to post for some reason the other day.

1 comment:

Tim, Jen and Mia said...

Have I mentioned lately what a doll she is? :) I love that kid!!